Beatriz Chamussy's profile

Nurtura Nova - A parallel world

Welcome to Nurtura Nova, a parallel world where the rhythm of life is harmonized with the melodies of nature, and the dance of existence unfolds in a symphony of interconnected experiences. In this utopian realm, the inhabitants have forged a new path, escaping the ruins of a decaying civilization to embrace a life rooted in creativity, symbiosis, and continuous co-creation.
At the heart of Nurtura Nova, the core values revolve around dancing, singing, playing music, and crafting handmade wonders. Here, every inhabitant knows the art of cultivating their own food, fostering a deep connection with the cycles of nature. Masculine and feminine energies find balance, creating a diverse and harmonious society where everyone is celebrated for their unique contributions.

Nurtura Nova is comprised of five small open communities, each specializing in a distinct aspect of life. Whether immersed in the creation of art, a specific dance form, therapeutic practices, food cultivation, or innovative technologies, the people of Nurtura Nova find purpose and fulfillment in their chosen communities. While there are some guiding principles, the overall ethos encourages individuals to organically discover their paths, fostering a sense of autonomy and belonging.

Within this vibrant world, mechanical toys are prevalent, adding a touch of whimsy and playfulness to daily life. The inhabitants, an eclectic blend of nerds, explorers, artists, and spiritual seekers, coexist in a state of hypersensitivity and strength. Imagination is revered as the most precious gift, and the people of Nurtura Nova revel in the joy of rediscovering their childlike wonder.
The origins of Nurtura Nova lie in the decline of a past civilization, where the majority of the population lived in denial, detached from emotions and empathy. Dissociation and isolation were rampant, with individuals trapped in egocentric ambitions. The pioneers of Nurtura Nova, a small yet determined faction, chose a different path. They sought to break free from the shackles of a destructive past, forming communities protected by wise women who safeguard the secrets of a nurturing life.

In Nurtura Nova, the inhabitants have embraced a lifestyle that celebrates shared experiences, creativity, and a profound connection to nature. It stands as a testament to the resilience of those who chose to reclaim the magic of life, embodying the values of empathy, cooperation, and the joy of living in harmony with one another and the world around them.
Nurtura Nova - A parallel world


Nurtura Nova - A parallel world


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