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El-Hamra Mobile by Ooredoo

"El-Hamra Mobile: Bridging Passion and Connectivity in the El-Hamra Communication Offer by Ooredoo and Étoile Sportive du Sahel"

Experience the seamless fusion of connectivity and passion with the "El-Hamra Mobile" Communication Offer, a joint endeavor between Ooredoo, the leading communication operator in Tunisia, and the revered Tunisian football team, Étoile Sportive du Sahel. This exclusive communication offer, crafted specifically for the fervent supporters of Étoile Sportive du Sahel, represents the harmonious convergence of technology and team spirit.
The "El-Hamra Mobile" Communication Offer extends beyond traditional connectivity; it embodies the collective devotion of fans to their beloved team. Rooted in a deep understanding of the fans' unwavering loyalty, this bespoke offer serves as a digital conduit for supporters to stay connected while showcasing their allegiance.
The launch of the "El-Hamra Mobile" Communication Offer was a testament to innovation in engaging sports enthusiasts. A robust marketing strategy, spanning street billboards, captivating TV commercials, engaging social media campaigns, radio announcements, targeted internet promotions, and in-app endorsements, effectively communicated the offer's value proposition. It encouraged fans to not only stay connected but to elevate their support for their cherished team through this exclusive communication medium.
Before & After
This partnership between Ooredoo and Étoile Sportive du Sahel resulted in mutual benefits. Ooredoo gained commendation for supporting the team, enhancing their brand reputation, while also securing a dedicated community of fans as valued customers. The football team, in turn, experienced an influx of support from their passionate fanbase, solidifying their bond through the El-Hamra Communication Offer.
El-Hamra Mobile by Ooredoo


El-Hamra Mobile by Ooredoo
