Hidden Hantu Illustration Series
Illustration with Hantu, depicting current events in malaysia, such as the MH370 and Indonesian haze.

An illustration series on how the Hantu (Traditional Malaysian Folk Creatures) can be used to represent some issues in the cause of current events happening in Malaysia. As time progresses from the past into the present, young Malaysians today have slowly begun to forget and lose sight of the past colorful traditional culture of Malaysia. But the Hantus are still there doing their secret “jobs” or causing mischief in Urban Malaysia, hidden from sight, yet still there ready to be rediscovered and to inspire.
Guide or Kidnapping?
With the MH370 Incident, It is not yet found if the victims are still alive. Are they Kidnapped by the Buniyan (Fairy creatures) Black Eagle mentioned by the Bomoh (shaman) in the news? Or did it save them from disaster and kept it in air? There’s too much mysteries in them where the dark clouds are hiding the issue and cause of it. Will the truth eventually come to light then?
Addictive Smoking
Every year, the haze covers the country of Malaysia and neighbouring countries as the Hantu Tinggi (Tall Demon) smokes its favourite imported weeds from his Shisha Pipe. Addicted and also habitually, it find it so hard to quit even though it’s starting to cloud every state in the country.
Jembalang Party
Hantu Jembalang’s (Diesease Demon) party in a bowl of wanton mee from a regular street food vendor on a regular Malaysian street in johor bahru, hope anyone who eats it doesn’t end up sick.
Stomping Gergasi!
Potholes, potholes everywhere, even on newly repaired roads in Malaysia, have a Gergasi (Giant Orge) been running and stomping loose on the streets at night? Perhaps it’s practising for the coming up Hantu Olymics!
Rubbish Collector
While we are not looking, the Hantu Air (Water ghost) works hard in collecting all the unwanted rubbish we don’t want anymore. SPR voting boxes, cigeratte butts, trash and also unwanted babies, she’ll take them all out of your sight.
Hidden Hantu


Hidden Hantu
