Valentina Barbero's profile

Family Portraits | Rudings

Jill approaches me with the desire that we create a family memory. The kids are grown, we all live in different cities and family gatherings don't happen often, she told me. I then proposed to her to create memories, to make the photographic moment a ritual, to share a beautiful moment. She selected the location, the ruins of an old cabin next to Lake Dunstan. At one point it was a river, and with the flood the villagers had to move their homes a few meters higher.

Memory within memory, that is photography.

Thank you

Shot by Valentina Barbero
Cromwell, New Zealand. December 2023 

Jill se acerco a mi con el deseo de que creemos un recuerdo familiar. Los chicos estan grandes, todos vivimos en diferentes ciudades y las reuniones familiares no se dan a menudo, me dijo. Le propuse entonces crear memorias, hacer del momento fotografico un ritual, compartir un lindo momento. Ella seleccionó el lugar, las ruinas de un antiguo cottage al lado del Lake Dunstan. En un momento fue rio, y con la crecida los pueblerinos tuvieron que trasladar sus hogares unos metro mas arriba.

Memoria adentro de la memoria, eso es la fotografía.

Family Portraits | Rudings


Family Portraits | Rudings
