Adrián Tre Polo's profile


GL: Encargo particular consistente na elaboración dunha árbore xenalóxica da familia Galo Lamas*. Membros da familia recompilaron os nomes de catro xeracións da familia organizadas en once ramas, cada unha correspondendo a un dos once fillos do matrimonio de Pablo e Alejandra. A partir desta información elaborouse a árbore, con ramas representando tódolos familiares consanguíneos; os cónxuges non foron incluidos para non complicar excesivamente a rotulación. Imprimíronse once copias do resultado final, para entregar a cada un dos once fillos e fillas.

*os apelidos foron cambiados por motivos de privacidade.

EN: Private work consisting of the creation of a family tree of the Galo Lamas* family. The family gathered the names of four different generations organized in eleven branches, each corresponding to one of the children of the marriage between Pablo and Alejandra. The tree was illustrated based on that information, with branches for every blood-related member; in-laws weren't included for simplicity's sake. Eleven copies of the final result were printed, to be given to each of the eleven children.

*surnames were changed for privacy purposes.
GL: Escaneado do debuxo orixinal da árbore. Lápiz e tinta sobre papel, tamaño A3.

EN: Scan of the original tree drawing. Pencil and ink on paper, size A3.
GL: O árbore foi completado en Photoshop, empregando un coloreado de semitonos e pinceles de acuarela para simular as follas; rematado con texturas de papel para simular unha ilustración antiga.

EN: The tree was completed in Photoshop, using a halftone coloring system with watercolor brushes for the leaves; a paper texture finished the look, simulating an old illustration.




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