This project explores the concept of bio mimicry in machine knitted apparel, inspired by the orchid mantis, an insect that mimics the appearance of a flower to attract prey and avoid predators. The project aims to create a unique and aesthetic collection of garments that reflect the form, color, and texture of the orchid mantis, as well as its adaptive and functional qualities.

woolen threads
feather yarn
crochet knitted belt 
Figure no.1 back of the jacket with woolen threads and feather yarn
Figure no. 2 front of skirt with crochet knitted belt and organza
double bed knitting machine
knitting needles
yarn feeder
yarn tensioner
yarn guide
yarn winder
row counter
stitch holder
tapestry needle
measuring tape
Crochet needle 

The first step of the project was to conduct a thorough research on the orchid mantis, its characteristics, behavior, and habitat. The research sources included books, journals, articles, documentaries, and websites. The next step of the project was to create a mind map to organize and visualize the research findings and generate ideas for the design of the apparel. The mind map consisted of the following main branches: Form, color, texture, function and inspiration. 
The mind map helped to identify the key elements and themes that would be incorporated into the design of the apparel, such as the pink and white color scheme, the petal-like lobes, the glossy and matte textures, and the adaptive and functional features.

Figure no. 3 research board
Figure no. 4  Research board
Figure no.5 vision board

The final step of the project was to knit the apparel using the knitting machine and the selected     material. The knitting process involved the following steps:
Material selection
Pattern design
Knitting techniques
Garment construction 

The project successfully created a collection of machine knitted apparel that was inspired by the orchid mantis, an insect that mimics the appearance of a flower to attract prey and avoid predators. The project demonstrated the concept of bio mimicry, which is the imitation of nature’s models, systems, and processes to solve human problems. The project also explored the environmental and social implications of using bio mimicry as a design strategy for sustainable fashion.
Figure no.6 knitted garment
Figure no.7 knitted apparel
Figure no.8 presentation day
Knitting machines and needles can be sharp and dangerous if not handled properly. You should always wear protective gloves when working with them. You should also keep your fingers and hair away from the moving parts of the machine and the needles. 
Knitting machines and needles can also affect the quality and appearance of your fabric and garments. You should always clean and oil your machine and needles regularly to prevent them from rusting or jamming. You should also check and adjust the tension and gauge of your machine and needles to ensure that they produce the desired and consistent results. You should also test your machine and needles on a sample of your fabric before knitting your final garments.
Knitting machines and needles can also have an environmental and social impact on your project. You should always choose your materials and fibers carefully, considering their source, production, and disposal. 



