Jessica Wade's profile

Capybara; Amazing Animals

This project explored various media and methods to represent animals. I made realistic, logo, gesture and transformation drawings of a capybara. 
This realistic drawing was done in pencil. I tried to capture its sweet, derpy face in this drawing.
This logo was originally drawn in ink and was later vectorized in Adobe Illustrator.
These are other logo options that I felt did not capture the essence of a capybara quite as well as my final selection did.
This gesture was done with acrylic dry brushing. Dry brushing helped keep the overall shape organic and also showed the furry nature of a capybara.
These are other gesture options that were also considered but did not make the final cut.
This transformation drawing was originally done in pencil and then was vectorized in Adobe Illustrator. This shows the capybara transforming into a walrus, another water-loving mammal. 
Other transformations into a tortoise, a camel and the Easter Bunny.
Capybara; Amazing Animals

Capybara; Amazing Animals
