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Lost a Tooth? Here's What You Need to Know!"

Losing a tooth can be a real hassle, but fear not! At Post House Dental, we're here to guide you through this dental dilemma. Whether it's due to an injury, decay, or any other reason, missing a tooth can impact your confidence and oral health. But hey, we've got solutions!

First things first, don't panic. It's more common than you think! The important step is to seek professional advice promptly. Ignoring a missing tooth can lead to potential jawbone issues, shifting of adjacent teeth, and even changes in facial structure over time.

So, what are your options?

Dental Implants: These are like magic—they look and feel just like real teeth. Our expert team at Post House Dental can securely place a durable implant that blends seamlessly with your smile.

Dental Bridges: No need to worry about that gap! Bridges are custom-made to fill the space left by your missing tooth, anchoring onto neighboring teeth for a natural appearance.

Dentures: For multiple missing teeth, dentures are a fantastic option. They've come a long way and are more comfortable and natural-looking than ever before.

Partial Dentures: If you're missing a few teeth but not all, partial dentures can restore your smile effectively. 

Remember, every case is unique, so we'll discuss what suits you best during your consultation at Post House Dental. Our priority is to restore your smile, confidence, and oral health.

But before you rush in, here's what you can do immediately after losing a tooth:

Rinse your mouth gently with warm water.

If there's bleeding, apply a piece of gauze to the area for about 10 minutes or until the bleeding stops.

Use a cold compress to reduce swelling or alleviate pain.

Your smile matters, and at Post House Dental, we're dedicated to helping you reclaim it! Book your appointment today and let's bring back that radiant grin.
Lost a Tooth? Here's What You Need to Know!"

Lost a Tooth? Here's What You Need to Know!"


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