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Vocabulary words for kids

Vocabulary words for kids
Absolutely! Here are some additional vocabulary words for kids:
Enchanting - Delightfully charming or captivating.
Gigantic - Extremely large or huge.
Blossom - The flower of a plant, especially one that is pretty or fragrant.
Flutter - To move with quick, light, and irregular motions.
Dazzling - Extremely bright, impressive, or beautiful.
Curious - Eager to know or learn something.
Snazzy - Stylish and attractive in a flashy way.
Marvelous - Extremely good or impressive; wonderful.
Puddle - A small pool of liquid, especially rainwater on the ground.
Bounce - To spring back after hitting a surface.
Perch - A branch or pole for a bird to rest on.
Sparkle - To shine brightly with flashes of light.
Lively - Full of life and energy; animated.
Sizzle - To make a hissing sound like that of frying.
Nuzzle - To rub or push gently against someone or something.
Vivid - Bright, distinct, and clear in color.
Cozy - Warm, comfortable, and snug.
Quicksilver - Something that moves or changes very quickly.
Murmur - A soft, gentle, or indistinct sound.
Spectacular - Impressive to look at; striking.
Feel free to incorporate these words into everyday conversations or activities to enhance your child's vocabulary in a fun and natural way!
Vocabulary words for kids

Vocabulary words for kids


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