Ricky Vann's profile

In-store POS - Bloom and Blossom

In-store Point of Sale - Bloom and Blossom
Point of sale
Point of sale at Bloom and Blossom focused on both in-house designed shippers for supermarkets, shelf plinths and in-store promotional imagery. Most of which I had stringent retailer brand guidelines to follow, alongside in-keeping with our brand guidelines.
Retail Point of Sale
Left: Shipper in Boots. Right: Shelf display in Boots
Left: Promotional shelf banners. Right: Roald Dahl Collection Shipper in Sainsbury's.
Left: Gondola end POS lightbox in Next Beauty and Home. Right: Shelf display in Next Beauty and Home.
In-store POS - Bloom and Blossom

In-store POS - Bloom and Blossom
