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Vocabulary words for kids

Vocabulary words for kids
Certainly! Here's a list of vocabulary words for kids:

1. Adorable: Very cute or lovable.
2. Brilliant: Extremely smart or talented.
3. Cuddle: Hug or hold close.
4. Dazzling: Extremely bright or impressive.
5. Enchanting: Charming or captivating.
6. Fascinating: Very interesting or intriguing.
7. Giggle: A light, silly laugh.
8. Harmony: A pleasing arrangement or combination of things.
9. Inquisitive: Eager to learn or curious.
10. Jovial: Cheerful and friendly.
11. Kindhearted: Having a kind and compassionate nature.
12. Lullaby: A gentle, soothing song to help someone fall asleep.
13. Majestic: Grand and impressive, like a king or queen.
14. Nestle: Settle into a comfortable position.
15. Optimistic: Having a positive outlook or expecting good things.
16. Playful: Full of fun and games.
17. Quaint: Charmingly old-fashioned or picturesque.
18. Radiant: Shining brightly or full of joy.
19. Spectacular: Very impressive or magnificent.
20. Tranquil: Calm and peaceful.

These words cover a range of emotions, actions, and characteristics and can enhance a child's vocabulary and language skills.
Vocabulary words for kids

Vocabulary words for kids


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