柯 C's profile

Picture Book. 逃

繪本創作:逃 Escape

我們很難不在成長的過程中發現自己有所失去,帶著傷痛,在成長的路上我們一邊破碎、一邊拾起。學校教會我們大人應該具備的知識,但沒人告訴我們大人應該要是什麼樣子。 從懵懂無知走向成熟體面,我們害怕改變的到來。於我而言,成長是逃跑,是一場拉鋸戰,是只要你跑的夠快,現實就追不上你。 

It's challenging not to discover aspects of ourselves lost in the process of growing up, carrying wounds as we navigate the path of maturity. 
School teaches us the knowledge adults should possess, but nobody tells us what an adult should be like. 
For me, growing up feels like running away, a tug of war where, if you run fast enough, reality can't catch up.
Life is like a wilderness ; You might be running forever and never getting better. 
Yet, when we realize that life can be wounded and flawed, we rather find greater ease in living.
Picture Book. 逃


Picture Book. 逃
