Punk Health, known as 'pengke yangsheng' or '朋克养生' in Chinese, is the phenomenon defined by a high demand for health and wellness products among Chinese young people as they try to find ‘quick fix’ solutions to the impact of late nights and hard work. They use this form of regimen to compensate for the loss of health with the help of external forces and to bring some solace to their indulgences. However, this form of wellness does not provide any substantial effect in terms of ensuring and restoring health, other than providing psychological comfort. 

Based on this problem, this project is based on young people’s psychological comfort in making up for their health and their superstition in the metaphysics of traditional culture. It utilises Traditional Chinese Medicine and the essence of the five elements of yin and yang behind it as a means. It includes personalised herbal tea bags and interactive wellness boxes for young people’s different body constitutions based on the seven common health problems among young people. Users will use a mobile app to enhance good fortune, which is a way to attract young people to use them and eventually achieve a sustainable and effective health maintenance purpose.
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