Gabriel Lantz's profile

Liberty University F110 Project

A team, out of 2 classes with an estimate of 30 people each, with approximately 4 people, including myself, were tasked with making a mouse trap car for the Liberty University F110 Project. The mouse trap car had several restrictions and requirements it had to meet. Some of these include but are not limited to: including an on board braking system that had to stop at a minimum of 5 meters and could be adjusted to stop at any distance, maximum length of 18 inches, required an on board electronics system that could record the kinematics of the car, and had to weigh less than 2500 grams. Our team gave everyone specifics jobs that we were in charge of. These jobs were to: design the body of the car, design the braking system of the car, overseeing logistics and the budgets, and to design/figure out the on board kinematics. I was personally responsible for the overall design of the body, including the wheels. I, as well as the team, learned how to communicate effectively to build a functional, and top performing car on a time restriction of 12 weeks. At the end of the deadline, our team had tested and fully assembled a car so that we could present on the topic, our design phases, our budget, and our logistics. After said presentation our mouse trap car went through a competition with three different trials against all the other teams. The competition consisted of a braking test where the car had to brake at a randomly giving distance, use the power of the mouse traps to travel as far as it could in a strait line, and finally speed up as fast as it could while breaking within 10 to 15 meters. Our car had the fastest car in all the classes with a velocity of 3.6 m/s, had the third farthest distance of 31.2 meters, and came in 2nd best overall in all the classes. Alongside with that, our team had the best presentation among the classes, and I was awarded with the best CAD model out of all the classes.
Liberty University F110 Project


Liberty University F110 Project
