Rationale - 
The objective of this character design project is to explore the fascinating concept of pareidolia while creating a diverse cast of characters. Pareidolia, the phenomenon of perceiving faces in inanimate objects, provides an innovative starting point to develop imaginative and relatable characters with distinct traits and personalities. By embracing pareidolia, the goal is to create characters that evoke curiosity and resonate with viewers on both print and digital platforms. 

Characters -
Ezra - Main character
The brave and curious leader of the group, Ezra is always ready for an adventure. He possesses unwavering determination and a strong moral compass. His desire for the treasure is driven by the belief that it can be used to protect others.
Maya - Main character
A gentle and compassionate character, Maya has a deep connection with nature and the magical creatures of the forest. She possesses the ability to communicate with animals and understands the balance of the Whispering Woods. Maya encourages the group to respect and appreciate their surroundings.
Finn - Main Character
A mischievous and clever trickster, Finn brings a sense of humor to the group. Although he may appear unreliable at times, his quick thinking and resourcefulness often come in handy during the journey. Finn struggles with finding his purpose but eventually discovers his role in supporting his friends.
Flynn - supporting character
The treacherous treasure hunter who has been searching for the Whispering Woods' treasure for years. Flynn is relentless and cunning, always lurking in the shadows, ready to steal the treasure for his own personal gain. His motives stem from a desire for power and wealth, and he serves as a primary antagonist.
Lilly - supporting character.
A mischievous, playful fairy who initially poses obstacles for the group, Lily later becomes an unexpected ally. Her mischievous nature hides a kind heart, and she learns the value of trust as she helps the three friends overcome challenges.
Willow - supporting character.
A wise and mysterious elder of the forest, Willow serves as a guide for the group. Possessing ancient knowledge and magical abilities, he appears at key points in their quest to offer advice and cryptic riddles. Willow teaches valuable lessons about the importance of balance, patience, and the true meaning of power.
Ollie - supporting character.
A charming and wise old owl who serves as the Whispering Woods' protector. Ollie acts as the guardian of the forest, ensuring that only those with pure intentions can reach the treasure. He guides and advises the group, teaching valuable lessons about loyalty, bravery, and sacrifice.
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Character design

Character design


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