interactive musical art installation - Pride Art Walk

Public art piece Conceived by Tangible and co-sponsored by DVBIA and Bentall Centre to celebrate and advocate for the LGBTQIA2S+.

The piece is composed of a structure with four 3D Printed horns and an custom electronic system that has 4 sensors that detect the movement of users on the stairs. Each step plays notes from a different octave allowing for the composition of melodies by moving through the steps in different patterns, there is a set of 4 different banks of sounds that can be switch from a keyboard, along with other commands for control. 

Credit: Gabriel Martins

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Concept_Creative Direction Tangible (Alex Beim);
Lead_Design Alyssa Haas;
Audio_Design Eli Muro;
 Developer Cristian Gonzalez;

Step with Me

Step with Me
