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Squash, Stretch and Drag Animation

Squash, Stretch and Drag Animation 
Clip Studio Paint Ex 
I made this animation so that I could practice the principle of animation, squash and stretch. I had just gotten a new Huion tablet and wanted to practice animating on and getting used to it. I had been animating for about a year prior to the new tablet, but only on an iPad. I made the sketches of the ball on each frame and for this project I used the straight ahead method of animation. I wanted to push myself as well by adding my own twist on the animation. This is why I decided to have the ball transform into the body of a bird and cat. 
I already had a pretty good understanding of how squash and stretch worked without looking at a reference. The first image seen is an example of the principle while the image on the right is the different frames I drew on my own, at 12 frames per second.
I used the principle drag, in this animation as I added a pink-ish fluid that follows and drags behind the ball. I then used the fluid to have it turn into the wings and tail feathers of the bird, as well as the legs and tail of the cat. One challenge I encountered was having the fluid transform into the parts of the animals. In order to overcome this, I tried to get the fluid to slowly move up the body of the animals so that the transition looks unnoticeable when the video is played. 
Squash, Stretch and Drag Animation


Squash, Stretch and Drag Animation
