Everything you see below is hand-drawn then screen printed. 100% handmade.
This was a final project for my screen printing class.
My mom has always been my biggest influence in art and design, she is also an amazing cook/baker. I decided to create her an identity for her kitchen as a way to showcase her talent along with my passion for branding. My mother and I have the same initials so writing LA was the easy part. Long before I was ever in the picture peapods were her favorite little symbol, she even had them on her wedding invitations so I knew I had to incorporate a peapod into my design.
Below showcases each product I created. The dish towels were hand dyed by myself and then screen printed with the two logos.
I created three sizes of "to-go" or "goodie bags", because people love to take her tasty treats home with them.
Double-sided recipe cards with two different fronts. (5in x 3in)
The wine bottle shows a hang tag for wine. My parents collect wine and my dad will always write on a sticky note when to drink it, what year it's from and what kind it is but they always fall off and end up at the bottom of the refridgerator. I decided that a tag you can tie on would be inevitable of falling off. The tags can also be used as gift tags when giving someone a bottle of wine. (2in x 3in)
I printed the recipe cards on large sheets then cut them out separtely. The limitations for this project seemed to be endless, especially when I had to perfectly line up the recipe cards. It was a learning process but I finally got a system down. Other limitations included knowing how long the ink would last, how to coat my screen, how to get the most out of a screen and how long to expose my screen for.
To say "made with love" is an understatement, but it was well worth it. 
I am so pleased by how this project turned out and seeing my mom's reaction was even better!
LA Kitchen

LA Kitchen

100% handmade brand design for my mother and her love for cooking.
