Omkar Kulkarni's profile

Scribbles to Characters

Scribbles to Characters
The reels have been posted on @temporallyimpaired
One day I sat and scribbled up a bunch of characters...
And then I started animating them. I have animated 2 out of these 7 scribbles, my hope is to animate all the other ones too with varied styles.
1. Grandma
The "s" scribble kind of looks like a slouch so I decided to illustrate a slouching grandma!
For the background, I thought of keeping it as a dystopian background to reinforce it form of a grandma who is using a walking stick to walk.
2. Blaze
The character of Blaze was all about angularity. So as the character design progressed the angularity became more and more prominent.
Scribbles to Characters


Scribbles to Characters
