Cody Davis's profile

Data Loss - Album Art Parallax

In Order from Left to Right

1. Took a photo of myself and masked out my head.
2. Added a new layer, made it 50% grey, going into filter gallery > halftone pattern > lines. Then onto the layer select "channels" and CTRL+LMB on RGB channel. While selected I went back to my head and hit mask. 
3 & 4. I started painting blue and using various blending modes like soft lights and overlay to try and match the blue with the screen. 
5. I isolated the pills (Don't worry its headache medicine) then generative filled so I could have a clean slate for parallax. 
6. For the title, I use soft light and a clipping mask as well as a warp to look like its being projected on the wall. 
7. For the keyboard, I took a fast-moving picture of it with the lights on (Like motion blur almost) and duplicated it. Used pin light blending mode. 
8. Final Composition. 
In Order from Left to Right
1. Imported the PSD file, the background wasn't cut out to emphasize the hologram as seen later. 
2. Created translation keyframes from right to left looping within 5 seconds.
3 & 4. I created unique translations for both keyboard colors and added unique rotations. I copied and pasted the first keyframe and pasted it to the last keyframe to create a loop. 
5. With my head I rotated it and added unique transformation keyframes. 
6. With both texts, I keyframed the opacity, however slightly offset them so they would flash at different times. 
Data Loss - Album Art Parallax


Data Loss - Album Art Parallax
