Aiken Olivier's profile

Biophilic Spatial Design

My chosen focal point for the project was the creation of a bonsai cultivation haven, meticulously crafted to impart the art of cultivating bonsais while concurrently serving as a serene zone for relaxation, where bonsais flourish in tandem with tranquil minds. In the preliminary stages, I adopted a methodical approach that veered away from the emotive aspects associated with bonsais—namely, their intimacy, unity, and spiritual significance. However, an epiphany prompted a pivotal shift in my design philosophy. I redirected my attention towards the profound influence of natural elements, aiming to unearth a rationale that would underscore the crux of my design.Central to my approach was the pivotal role played by the environment in nurturing these bonsais. This marked the juncture where I embarked on a journey that not only attracted the external environment but also holistically integrated it. The culmination was a spatial arrangement that not only beckoned the external milieu but also cocooned both human occupants and arboreal denizens.
Design Philosophy 
 A beacon of inspiration emerged from Norman Foster's declaration that every design is an echo of its specific climate and culture. This spark ignited the "Penzai" design concept—where "Penzai," akin to bonsai in Chinese, translates to "Planted into a container." This profound shift in perspective imbued my spatial structure with the essence of "nature" as the ultimate container. This transformative juncture catalysed my renewed focus on the nuanced dance of seasonal transitions and their resonance within the environment. It necessitated an exploration of how to infuse natural light into the space, fostering an inviting ambience. The ambition transformed into crafting an environment that seamlessly bonds people with nature, offering optimum comfort through specialized seating, shaded retreats, functional work zones, and vibrant communal spaces. To augment the design's gravitas, a prominent tank emerged as the pièce de résistance. This aquatic display didn't merely embellish but eloquently emphasized the preciousness of water through a living fish—a poignant metaphor for the consequences of excessive water use: "If I use too much water, the fish perishes."
Problem Solving | User Centric Design | Modelling | Rendering
Biophilic Spatial Design

Biophilic Spatial Design
