Serviu! | Tag design

Serviu! is a undergraduate course project developed as an attempt to change women’s experience buying clothes. Our group identified that the clothes size system can be very inconsistent, leading women to have trouble finding clothes that fits and enhance their bodies, which consequently affects their self-esteem. That being said, we came to the conclusion that a possible way to solve this was creating a tag that could translate the clothes size number into something more accurate. 
The front of the tag tells the costumer to which body type the clothes are recommended and the back shows the measurements of said piece.
We would also offer a trifold A5 brochure with some more information about the project, a compilation of the body types description and a QR code that leads the costumer to a chart with the clothes measurements.
Primeiro semestre de 2022 | Metodologia de Projeto | Design Gráfico - UAM
Undergraduate group project featuring the members Carolina Ascencio Aldeia, Felipe Moreira Almeida Vieira, Júlia Sakai Fortes Teixeira, Marina Campos Rezende, Ruan Lucas Ribeiro Silva e Stela Tiemi Hashimoto Kanada
Thank you!
Serviu! | Tag design