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Spatial branding for Saxenburgh Medical Centre

Saxenburgh Medical Centre

Regional anatomy

Saxenburgh Medical Centre is a regional hospital with a full range of care in the valley of the river Vecht in the East of the Netherlands. A profound connection to the region characterises Saxenburgh. But how do you experience the DNA of the region in the hospital building without resorting to clichés? Silo developed a series of data visualisations that bring together information about the human body and the regional character.

Recognition and connection

A hospital visit usually induces a lot of stress. The spatial environment can help reduce this stress in several ways. Recognisable images can help steer thoughts in a different direction. The illustrations for Saxenburgh were developed based on this premise. The explicit relationship to the area’s natural environment contributes to a sense of pride and belonging.
Colourful interventions

The data visualisations create a more pleasant environment for patients, visitors, and medical staff on three levels. From afar, they contrast with the mostly white walls, and you recognise the region, for instance, the woods around Hardenberg.

Closer up, you can distinguish the separate elements that make up an image, such as the many hair-fine lines of waving grass. If you look even longer, you will discover facts about the human body on which the infographics are inspired.
Shadow animals

Shadow animals have been illustrated for the children’s departments. Children can try to create the animals themselves with their hands. A notable fact about the animal also accompanies this visual intervention. The interactive aspect of the shadow animals and the trivia ensure that young patients (and their parents) are positively distracted from their visit to the hospital.
Spatial branding for Saxenburgh Medical Centre