Thy Hands
"Give me thy hand. With my wounded eyes
I would see what this hand contains:
Ah, what a world of hopes here lies!
What a world of feelings and doubts and pains!
Oh to think that this hand in itself contains
The mystery of mysteries.

Where is the soul that thy hand reveals
In its own there‑self till its thought affrights?
What bells are those that say HAND in peals
That traverse impossible infinites?
What fills with lightnings of hands the nights
Where the sense of dread into thoughts congeals?"
Alexander Search

“Thy hands” é um projeto que pretende que os utilizadores explorem livremente o poder criativo do movimento e poses das mãos. 

Este trabalho também tenciona chamar a atenção para a linguagem entre humano e máquina que, neste caso, se tornará numa imagem única, através do movimento das mãos que será reconhecido
pelo computador.

“Thy Hands” is a project that expects the users freely explore the creative power of hands movement and poses. 

This project also intends to draw attention to the language between human and machine that, in this case, will turn
into an unique image, based on the movement of the hands and their recognition in the computer.

Feel free to explore by yourself at:
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Thy Hands

Thy Hands

