The goal of this project was to explore a noun beyond its face definition. I started by making a mind map including words and phrases that are connected to my word: cow. The images I gathered based on the mind map became greyscale .tifs in which I experimented with adding Pantone colors. After setting everything up digitally, I printed out the pages on colored paper, while the cover was printed on speckled cardstock. The 15" by 7" infold was printed on plain tabloid-sized paper. I created a 16 page 5" by 7" handheld booklet which included an infold, and used a stapler to bind it. 
Hero shot of completed booklet. 
Rough draft of cow mind map.
Digital simplified version of mind map created in Illustrator as the cover.
Color exploration with Pantone colors.
Digital spread of pages 2 and 3.
Digital spread of pages 6 and 7.
Work in progress.
Picture of the open infold. Three staples were used to keep the book together.
Video flip-through of the entire book.
P2 Nouns

P2 Nouns


Creative Fields