An interactive support for pet therapy sessions, designed for children with autism
Design a support tool for pet therapy sessions with children with autism, which stimulates language and a correct relationship with the animal
Together with the association “Il Piccolo Campo” (Mantua), we investigated the user journey, both of the operator and the child, to identify a design opportunity. We decided to focus on the preparatory activity for the dog to enter, which is essential to learn the correct behavior to be followed later with the animal
An interactive support with a synthetic aesthetics
Dotty is integrated with sensors for enhanced interaction. From the visual point of view, the figure of the dog has been simplified without compromising its recognizability, so that the child distinguishes the game from the reality
1. By stroking the back in the correct direction, Dotty plays a melody. The synthetic fur makes sure that the child does not pull the dog’s hair

2. The parts of the body light up with a remote control managed by the operator. So you can involve the child in a game on the anatomy of the animal: the light stimulus is the reward for having learned the names of the parts

3. By placing his hand close to his muzzle, in the act of offering a treat, Dotty blushes. The shape provides support to the palm and guides its placement
Beyond the product
To make Dotty complete and usable, support cards have been developed in AAC language to communicate with the child, together with an illustrated book to extend the session at home and create continuity.

Both supports are customizable thanks to an online platform available for the center and for parents, to allow the child to get in tune with the product and the activities

Making of the functional prototype - Resin casting with rotational moulding and interface circuit coding and prototyping with Arduino




Creative Fields