“The Vermouth field guide” creates a platform for making vermouth with local ingredients. Our intention is to pull back the veil of secrecy around this ancient aperitif to create an open-source distributed global network of individuals passionate about all things vermouth. With its history painted by knowledge and material trade along the silk road, vermouth could very well be considered the original “hyper global / hyper local” drink. “The Vermouth field guide” creates a platform for making vermouth with local ingredients.Our intention is to pull back the veil of secrecy around this ancient aperitif to create an open-source distributed global network of individuals passionate about all things vermouth. With its history painted by knowledge and material trade along the silk road, vermouth could very well be considered the original “hyper global / hyper local” drink.
In the Vermouth Workshops we dive into the history of vermouth from the viewpoint of ancient China, Socrates, and its modern interpretations. We demonstrate  a variety of methods on how to make Vermouth. Lastly, we leave participants with the tools necessary to make their own vermouth at home as well as access to our online platform where we have catalogued our knowledge. We have conducted 5 workshops with more than 60 participants
Illustrated Guides and Visual Identity
Material Research and Sustainable packaging
As selected participants for the Maker’s Exchange program we had the opportunity to use the funding provided in order to experiment with bio-materials for packaging the herbs & spices kit as well as investigating ways of creating new materials from the residues of the Vermouth production.
Bio-Plastic Agar based packaging for herbs and spices  /   Coaster made with herb and spice residues with pine raisin.
How to Vermut


How to Vermut
