里卡豆 Ricardo's profile


身為一個自由過頭影像工作者,在行程安排的方面,也常常是自由過頭的狀態。其實我在規劃景點,不太會參考網路上的文章或旅遊書,我比較喜歡打開Google map隨興亂點,先用街景探索一番,再挑選自己有興趣的地點前往。



As a free-spirited photography, my travel plans often reflect my carefree nature. When it comes to choosing destinations, I don't rely much on online articles or guidebooks. I prefer to open Google Maps and randomly explore, using Street View to get a sense of the place before deciding on places that pique my interest.

Since my travels primarily revolve around photography, this time I invited a friend who shares the same passion. Planning our itinerary was stress-free; there was no need to squeeze in shopping or wait in line at famous restaurants. However, Nagasaki can be considered somewhat rural, with most shops and restaurants closing early. Additionally, by the time we finish shooting, it's usually already dark. Consequently, we ended up eating mostly from convenience stores. Luckily, convenience store bento in Japan is generally delicious, so we still enjoyed our meals. For us, capturing great photos is even more important than indulging in gourmet cuisine.

The main mode of transportation in Nagasaki is the tram, and it's undoubtedly one of the most romantic and photogenic forms of transport, hands down. We used a one-day tram pass every day, and for places further afield, we would switch to buses. Since Nagasaki is surrounded by mountains on three sides, many residences are built on slopes, and there are numerous places that require climbing stairs.

On the first day of arriving in Nagasaki, I pulled a muscle in my lower back. I have to say, this was one of the most painful journeys I've ever experienced. There were several moments when my resolve was nearly at its breaking point, and I considered renting a car. Thankfully, I managed to persevere. There are just too many beautiful photo spots here that are inaccessible by car or have no parking available.



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