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Seed Traveling V—Xenostracans

The first time I tried seed travel, I used a relatively simple prompt. After that, I wanted to try something a little more impressive. I gave Stable Diffusion 1.5 the prompt that I used to generate microbes (see my post Xenostracans) and had it generate a few more images:

These look quite different from the images in the original post because I'm using a different model (Imagine V4 in the original post vs. Stable Diffusion 1.5 in this post). From these, I narrowed it down to a set of 6, in the following order, to make a seed travel with.

And here is the final seed travel animation:

This animation isn't as smooth as some of the other seed travel animations I've created. That's because the two settings that are supposed to make the animation smooth (SSIM and RIFE) failed. So all that was left was the raw images. After that, I couldn't even get Automatic1111 to load a checkpoint. I grew dissatisfied with this, so I switched to a different version of the web user interface, called SD.Next, by Vladmandic.

I tried this process again, but using a version of Stable Diffusion 1.5 that had been further trained, called DreamShaper. Here are the images I generated to start with:

As you can see, the colors are a bit more vibrant and the images look smoother and more like digital paintings. From here, I narrowed it down to the following images in the following order:

And here is the final animation:

These illustrations and animations were created using Stable Diffusion 1.5 in Automatic1111 and DreamShaper 7, Lyriel, and DungeonsNWaifus in SD.Next.
Seed Traveling V—Xenostracans