Yourug - Handmade Rugs: A Celebration of Colors and Shapes
The logo I created for Yourug perfectly captures the essence of Yousra's handmade rug brand. It's a bold, vibrant statement of what Yourug stands for: bright colors and soft lines that evoke the uniqueness and modernity of her rugs.
Vibrant Colors:
The bright colors I chose for the logo immediately convey a sense of joy and vitality. The bold tones of pink, blue and yellow are a tribute to the extraordinary colors that make up the rugs. This color choice reflects the creative and dynamic personality of the Yourug founder and underlines the positive energy that each carpet brings into customers' homes.

Soft Lines:
The soft lines in the logo are a direct reference to the playful and modern shapes of the rugs. They evoke a feeling of comfort and welcome, inviting people to explore this world of soft and enveloping carpets. The delicate curves in the logo also represent the attention to detail and high-quality craftsmanship that characterizes every YouRUG.


