Suspended in time, lost in thought, maybe inside a dream. These places are not really familiar, more like a form of translation of one’s mental state, a reflection of their emotions.

1. the roots so deep, the head so high
2. light locked
3. all distracted by materials
4. blinding sight
5. howl at the moon
6. struggling to connect
7. light breaks where no sun shines
8. full moon insomnia
9. following the spark
10. out of place
11. the space in between
12. reconnect

Wonderland was an illusion.

the roots so deep, the head so high
light locked
all distracted by materials
blinding sight
howl at the moon
struggling to connect
light breaks where no sun shines
full moon insomnia
following the spark
out of place
the space in between
France, 2023. All are photographs edited with Adobe Lightroom.