DYB102 - Impact Lab 2. People | Orange Sky Team 13



During the course of one week, our team collaborated with Orange Sky Laundry through QUT to devise an innovative approach aimed at motivating homeless youth to actively participate in Orange Sky events. Throughout the week, our group generated numerous ideas to address this challenge. The primary solution we arrived at was to introduce a rotational schedule of activities each week, designed to sustain interest and engagement. Some of the activities we brainstormed included incorporating board games, meditation sessions, partnering with a non-profit music organization to provide live music, and encouraging volunteers to bring musical instruments, fostering a platform for homeless youth to express their emotions through music rather than verbal communication

Our research has revealed that Australia's highest rates of homelessness are experienced by individuals aged 12 to 14. The motivation behind our efforts stems from the recognition, also supported by research, that young homeless Australians often carry a stigma that makes it challenging for them to seek assistance from their friends and family.

To tackle these challenges, we've developed a program aimed at helping young Australians establish connections with friends and members of the community, fostering a sense of belonging. Our program consists of four activities—meditation, card and board games, musical instruments, and live music—that can be enjoyed while waiting for laundry. We've chosen these activities because they offer qualities that we believe resonate with the interests of young Australians in their daily lives.

1. Meditation and board games were selected because they are straightforward activities that don't require intense mental effort and are easy to participate in.

2. We've also incorporated a creative aspect by encouraging the crafting of musical instruments from everyday items like buckets and leftover detergent bottles, promoting environmental sustainability.

3. Involving the local community, we aim to introduce live music either through musically-inclined volunteers or by collaborating with non-profit music organizations.

By rotating through these four activities, our goal is to create a safe and welcoming environment for young Australians, promoting social connections and a strong sense of belonging.

This is how our program would seamlessly integrate with Orange Sky's current operations:

1. Orange Sky would arrive at the designated location and set up their facilities.

2. Young people in need would come to have their clothes washed.

3. While waiting, they would engage in card and board games.

4. They could also enjoy listening to and participating in live music sessions.

5. As a forward-looking initiative, we plan to introduce an 'orange survey wheel' for friends to select future activities, enhancing engagement and tailoring the program to their preferences.

Our project presents a practical and budget-friendly solution aimed at overcoming the challenges faced by young Australians aged 18-24. By repurposing the resources already used for laundry services, we ensure cost-effectiveness. The primary expense involves acquiring card and board games for use in the vans across all 33 locations, with an estimated cost ranging around $1000.

We've identified several future opportunities to enhance our solution further:

1. Gathering Friend Feedback: Following multiple trials of our concept, we plan to collect feedback from our friends to discover additional activities they'd like to see incorporated.

2. Activity Selection Spin Wheel: Based on the recommendations gathered through the feedback survey, we'll introduce a fun spin wheel to decide which future activities to include.

3. Collaborative Partnerships: As we implement live music, we see an opportunity to collaborate with non-profit organizations like Musicians Making A Difference (MMAD) to bring in talented musicians and enrich the experience.

Many thanks to my great teammates of Orange Sky Team 13: Miley Chau, Chak Lam William Liu, Eliza Rogers and Sze Kit Tsang

Furthermore, these are several pictures captured during the Design Intensive Week.
DYB102 - Impact Lab 2. People | Orange Sky Team 13