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Impact of Social Media on Mental Health

Understanding the Impact of Social Media on Mental Health​​​​​​​

Social media has dominated our lives in the current digital era. We use it to communicate with friends, exchange stories, and keep up with current events. Have you ever thought about how social media may affect your mental health, though? We'll look at how browsing through your favourited social media sites can impact your health in this article.

Understanding the Impact of Social Media on Mental Health

1. The Social Comparison Trap:

One of the major ways social media effects mental health is through the "social comparison trap." It's easy to feel inadequate when we witness beautifully crafted pictures of others' seemingly ideal lifestyles. 

This might result in feelings of in adequacy, jealously, and, in severe cases, melancholy. 

2. FOMO (Fear of Missing Out): 

We frequently feel as if we are missing out on fascinating events or experiences that others are having. 

This tendency, known as FOMO, can cause anxiety and a persistent urge to stay connected, even if it means jeopardizing our mental health.

3. Negative Self Image:

Constant exposure to representations of "ideal" beauty standards and lifestyles can lead to low self-esteem and a negative self-image.

This may result in harmful behaviours and body dissatisfaction.

 4. Online abuse and cyberbullying

Unfortunately, people occasionally exhibit their worst traits when using the internet in anonymity.

Anxiety, sadness, and even suicidal thoughts can result from cyberbullying and online abuse, which can have negative effects on mental health.

5. Sleep Disturbances:

Overusing social media, especially right before night, might disrupt sleep cycles. Your circadian clock may be thrown off by the blue light that screens emit, making it challenging to get to sleep or sleep through the night. 

6. Time-wasting and addiction:

 Platforms for social media are intended to be addicting. The time-consuming practice of endlessly scrolling through feeds might take away from more important pursuits. This may result in guilt and a lack of productivity.

7. Positive Aspects of Social Media:

Even though social media might harm mental health, there are some positive aspects as well.

Many people use social media for good, such as keeping in touch with family and friends, looking for assistance, and sharing motivational material.

8. Loneliness: 

Spending too much time on social media can paradoxically lead to increased feelings of loneliness. 

While you may see your friends and acquaintances posting about their social lives, vacations, and happy moments, it's important to remember that these posts often represent curated highlights rather than the full picture of someone's life.

Comparing your own life to these idealized versions of others' lives can lead to feelings of inadequacy and loneliness. Must read this article on impact of loneliness on mental health.

The Best Ways to Keep a Positive Relationship with Social Media:

Limit Screen Time: 

Establish and adhere to social media usage guidelines. Set aside time each day to check your accounts; refrain from idle scrolling.

Curate Your Feed: Unfollow accounts that give you negative or depressing feelings. Fill your feed with inspiring and uplifting material.

Curate Your Feed: 

Unfollow accounts that give you negative or depressing feelings. Fill your feed with inspiring and uplifting material.

Practice mindfulness and pay attention to your feelings when using social media. Take a break or engage in uplifting activities if you start to feel down.

Connect Offline: 

Spend time with loved ones in the physical world. A more satisfying sense of connection may result from face-to-face contact.

Seek Professional Assistance: 

If you're having trouble coping with how social media is affecting your mental health, think about speaking with a psychologist who can offer advice and support. You can contact Bodha Counseling who is best Psychologist in Pune.
Impact of Social Media on Mental Health

Impact of Social Media on Mental Health
