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Portfolio of Images - Week 5: Commentary

Persuasive Posters Cont.
Portfolio of Images | Week 5

In the fifth week of this project we explored images as commentary through the further development of posters about sustainability and the environment. 
.2B Pencil on Cartridge Paper 
Poster Thumbnails
Process: I began by brainstorming ideas using a mind map and doodling visuals for each point. Then, I created a 5x2 grid and began populating it with small sketches. The thumbnails, arranged from the top left to the bottom right, represented the following concepts: 1. Melting ice caps and penguins, 2. Microplastics in water, 3. Pollution and its effects on our lungs, 4. Mass extinction of animals, 5. Water pollution in public spaces, 6. Deforestation and its impact on animal habitats, 7. Rising water levels, 8. Plastic consumption, 9. Plastic in the environment and its effects on animals, and 10. The importance of trees in the ecosystem.
Reflection: Upon reflection, I noticed that the strength of each thumbnail's message and visual impact varied significantly. In my opinion, the first three thumbnails emerged as the strongest concepts. I also found it challenging to brainstorm ten ideas for this activity, which may have contributed to some ideas feeling less developed than others. This process was enlightening, revealing areas where I can refine my conceptualization and visual execution.
2B and 6B Pencil on Cartridge Paper 
Pollution Kills - Chosen Sketch 
Process: I selected one of the strongest concepts from the thumbnails, which was air pollution with the 'smoking kills' visual simile. I traced the lino block to create a frame and then sketched the concept, adding more detail.
Reflection: In this sketch, I aimed to include simple details, considering that I would be carving it out from lino. However, I believe I used too much white, particularly in the smog emanating from the towers. Nevertheless, I feel that I did a good job in conveying the resemblance to a cigarette packaging.
Black Ink Lino Print on Cartridge Paper  
Pollution Kills - Lino Print 
Process:  I traced the previous sketch onto tracing paper and transferred it to the lino. I began by carving the inside details and then carved out a border. I used scissors to cut out the remaining background. Subsequently, I inked the lino print and utilized a printing press to transfer the image onto paper.
Reflection: As evident from the print, I made the decision to remove some details, primarily because my tools were blunt, making it difficult to carve. Using proper tools would be an improvement I would consider. I intentionally chose to leave texture on the clouds to convey their smoky, gray nature. I do wish that I carved the body of the box more cleanly. 
Adobe Photoshop
Pollution Kills - Digital Exploration 
Process: I placed the scan of the print into Photoshop and cleaned it up. Then, I re-added the details that I had removed during the carving process. I wrapped the text to add more dimension and duplicated the image to apply a different color.​​​​​​​
Reflection: I believe an improvement would be to place the text before editing, ensuring consistency across the elements. I also wish I had cleaned up the lines of the box a bit more; the extra line on the right side of the box bothers me. Additionally, aligning the print elements for a cleaner look would have been beneficial.
Adobe Illustrator  and ChatGPT
Pollution Kills - Poster 
Process: I placed the edited print into Illustrator. The design was inspired by old print newspapers, so I aimed to use a large body of text. I used ChatGPT to generate a paragraph about the effects of air pollution on humans and the environment. Then, I selected a print-like font and placed the text behind the print. Finally, I added the takeaway message, which I wanted to be clear but not to distract from the main print, so I positioned it in the bottom right corner to balance the composition.
I am satisfied with the poster's outcome, but it does come across as quite simple. I believe I could have explored colors more effectively. Reflecting on the takeaway message, I think using 'Save the Earth, Save Yourself' would have conveyed a stronger message. Another potential improvement could be to highlight the important words in the text to reinforce the message further.

Portfolio of Images - Week 5: Commentary

Portfolio of Images - Week 5: Commentary
