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WEEK 5- Image as Commentary "Think of the Children"

WEEK 5- Image as Commentary. "Think of the Children" #oneperday2023
This week I will examine images as commentary in light of what I have learned thus far in the prior weeks. The goal of this week is to produce images and artwork to express my own opinions and ideas about a certain issue that was chosen in week 4 (Pollution).
"Think of the Children"
Technique: Sketching, Lino printing and digital explorations
Media: Led pencil, Ink

Overarching Reflection: The below images work to demonstrate an important issue to me, pollution. This week ushered me to add more of my own personal opinion into the artworks as part of the theme images as commentary, in this thought I decided to add the spin on an anti-pollution campaign of a baby and the future, pushing to evoke emotions within the viewers to think about a new generation and how pollution will effect them. I believe the image that this is displayed best in is the sketch of the baby bottle as it most clearly shows the dirt and hence the message.
Title: "Thumbnails"
Technique: led pencil sketch

The process of this image was to consider what personal effect I wanted to evoke in viewers and how I could put more of my personal opinion into the idea of anti-pollution. Because these are all thumbnail sketches it was important to remember that these were only idea sketches and did not have to be perfect and only had to convey my thoughts on the issue.

The main strength I found in the creation of this image was the freedom I had to explore all the ideas I had in the sense that I was really able to explore how I felt and what my personal opinion is and how I wanted to convey this. The main weakness I found in the creation of this image was that towards the end I struggled to think of ideas and ways to convey how I felt or the spin I wanted to put on the message. I also feel very comfortable using led pencil as media so i enjoyed that aspect too.
Title: "Babies Bottle"
Technique: Castell Marker and led pencil

The process of this images creation was very simple in the sense that at its core it is a simple pencil sketch with minimal rendering and a small amount of detailing however the use of minimalism in this image really aids the message. 

The main strength of this image is that I believed of all the images this one achieved the message to the highest quality due to the contrast of the dirt detailing on the bottle with the very simple subject and plain background which draws the viewers focal point into why there is dirt on a babies bottle and gets them to really consider the meaning behind the work. The main weakness of the image is probably the lack of interest in media, I believe there could have been a better choice of media which would have allowed for different visual effects. 
Title: "A brown world"
Technique: brown Ink Lino print

This images process was interesting as it was the first Lino print image I had done, which ultimately meant it was a process of trail and error. Beginning by drawing the image of the baby bottle onto the Lino block and then begun the carving to reveal the design, the application of ink and the pressing to give the relief print. 

The main strength of this image was the choice of using brown ink, I made this decision based on how brown would aid the idea of pollution and dirt and isn't something that should be associated with a babies bottle and that fact that I have paired them together should be unsettling to a viewer and provoke negative emotions. The main weakness of this image was that the relief printing didn't give the cleanest application and thus the design was the easiest thing to see.
Title: "Digital Days"
Technique: Digital exploration of Lino ink 

The process of this image was taking the prior image of the Lino print exporting it onto a digital device and manipulating it with digital means to further aid the message/meaning behind the original work. The method i choose to work with was repetition and transparency.

The main strength I found in this image was that the use of transparency and repetition worked to communicate a message of the longer this goes on the more the future will fade away, where the baby bottle represents the future. I really enjoyed the clean-cut effect that the digital progression gave to this image it feels like a completed work with layered meaning. The main weakness I found in this image was that I am not the most familiar with any kind of digital means so to achieve this image it took lots of learning and trail and error.  
Title: "Think about the Children"
Technique: black and brown Ink Lino print

The process of this images creation is the same as the creation of the third image. Beginning by drawing the image of the baby bottle onto the Lino block and then begun the carving to reveal the design, the application of ink and the pressing to give the relief print. However this image differs in the sense that I included aspect of the prior image with repetition and just inverse colors.

The main strength of this image was the combination of aspects of the above designs, I knew I wanted to do another Lino print as   really enjoyed the messy visual effect it gave and I believe that this effect really aided the message of the work however I also really liked the repetition in the day 4 image so I also applied that. I used dark color switching between black and brown to achieve this dirty pollution effect on the baby bottle. The main weakness in this image was just that in the top print, the black background is too sparse so in hindsight I should have applied more ink in the process of that print. 
DVB102- N11285184- CLEO BONGERS
WEEK 5- Image as Commentary "Think of the Children"

WEEK 5- Image as Commentary "Think of the Children"
