Chloe Ngo- n11592141
In week 3, we had to create a micro story of our choice that contained 5 images. 
Process: I chose to recreate an event that similarly happened to me when i was younger
Materials: 0.5 Fine liners & 0.6 Medium Fine liner & coloured pencils
Process: Through rough sketch ideas, I conceptualised the story through characters, setting and situation. By planning the layout, I was able to sketch out where the character would be, the angles and framing. After sketching out the drafted comic I used fine liners as well as coloured pencil to add colour and rendering the final story.
Image 1
Reflection: The first frame needed to illustrate the setting of the storyline. The time above notifies viewers that it is nearly the main characters birthday, as well as shown the cake and party hat. 
Image 2
Reflection: The second frame illustrated shows the character being upset that they were celebrating their birthday alone and how they feel old. The blue background was a last minute refinement as i needed to refine the emotion of the character. 
Image 3
Reflection: It was difficult having to draw the phone from a perspective, however, i felt like the main idea is received through the main character knowing they got a notification.
Image 4
Reflection: From the point of view of the main character, i needed to inform the viewers that they were receiving heartfelt messages wishing them a happy birthday. I used references from the Apple emoji's to replicate the communication form on text messages. 
Image 5
Reflection: For this last frame, i made it larger as it needed to show the resolved ending of the story. Like i applied in Image 2, i created a bright and loving aura around the main character to signify that they are happy and comforted.
Reflection: I enjoyed being able to create a mini story, the characters, plot, and solution. Being playful with the frames and colours, I wanted a simple design that was able to capture the story of celebrating your birthday alone. In some panels, I wanted to express the full emotion of the main character by illustrating an aura around them describing how they feel such as sadness or love.  I didn’t want to overcrowd each frame with a lot of background thus adding the main subjects allows the readers to understand or interpret their own perspective of the setting.
DVB102: Week 3

DVB102: Week 3


Creative Fields