Ginger Albrecht's profile

Jesse Tree Ornaments

This has been an ongoing project for me since 2016 when my son turned 2. It started as a craft project creating a way to incorporate Biblical ornaments on our Christmas tree. When my son turned 3 it turned into an advent calendar, where we set it up for him to open a gift everyday in the month of December, counting down to Christmas.

Back then I only had 24 designed. All of these were based off of another person's craft project found here Obviously I made these ornaments different and in my own way. When my daughter was born I decided to revisit these ornaments and create more so that both my son and daughter had something to open. This started to get a little bit more complicated than I originally thought. I had to start doing research on what stories from the Bible other people put on their trees, and what verses they went to. Not all of this information is in one place, and then it is if you know your bible really really well ( which I am still new). Essentially it led me down a rabbit hole of creating new images for 24 different stories than I originally had.

It was then suggested to me to create an Etsy Shop and start making them available for others to enjoy. I then picked out certain ornaments that were common enough to create  a  pre-made boxset that came with a little booklet describing the ornaments and the stories it went to. It became my top seller.​​​​​​​

I do continue to make the Added on Ornaments for the Old Testament (stories before Jesus birth) and sell them as individuals for people to add and create their own advent calendar. These are all mostly Old Testament pictographs, except the ones leading up to Jesus birth. With These ornaments we celebrate Christmas by remembering Christ prophesied and Him being born. Easter is about remembering what Christ did on this earth during his ministry, leading up to His death and resurrection. And yes! I plan on making more of these ornaments/pictographs for Easter with New Testament Stories.

This project has grounded me in my faith, keeping the word close to my heart. It has made me study the bible in depth and knowing the stories inside and out. And the reason why I want to create more, is to know the New Testament in the same way. 

These ornaments has also founded my Etsy Shop. Creating a way to share this idea, or unique set of ornaments with others.
You can find them here:

Jesse Tree Ornaments