Marble Flooring
The type of material you choose for the flooring makes a big difference in the decoration of your house and creates the most stunning ambiance of the space. There is a wide range of flooring tiles available in the market in differing designs, sizes, colors, materials, textures, and finishes at Johnson Marble and Quartz. Regarding flooring,marble flooring has withstood the test of time in terms of trend, strength, and aesthetics. The advanced technologies at Johnson Marble for making this marble flooring make it the toughest and most durable flooring option.

                          Why Johnson Marble and Quartz Marble Flooring?                  Like other types of stone flooring, our marble is best used for “moist” or “wet”      environments, such as bathrooms and kitchens; these are the places where water frequently splashes and can be wiped without causing any sort of damage.
Since we deal with composite marble flooring or artificial marble, our marbles are resistant to staining for other items, such as coffee, soda, wine, berries, tomato products, grease or oil, and many more. You can eliminate any type of staining with just a simple cleaning product and cloth.
According to our experts, one of the best ways to keep marble fabulous is to get a good-quality marble sealant and blot any spills promptly with the absorbent and soft cloth. Blotting instead of rubbing the stain is best to prevent potential scratches.
Marble Flooring

Marble Flooring
