Caladium Study
Summer 2023: As the relentless sun bore down during one of the most intense summers in recent memory, my caladium garden faced a test of endurance and transformation. Wilting under the scorching heat, stalks succumbed to the temperatures, fading into the shadows of their once vibrant existence. Yet, in this dance of nature, other stalks thrived, benefiting from the decreasing competition and flourishing with newfound strength and vitality. It's a testament to life's delicate balance, the fleeting beauty of existence, and the profound lessons hidden within the simple act of growth and decay. 
Houston, Texas
August 20, 2023
Sony a7rv
Sigma 24-70mm F2.8 DG DN Art
ISO 8000 29mm f/2.8
Adobe Lightroom Service
Dedicated to all the people who plant caladiums cause that's all that grows for them.
John D. Williams
 "And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?" Then I said, "Here am I! Send me." Isaiah 6:8
Caladium Study


Caladium Study

Caladium Study - A Summer's Dance in My Caladium Garden (Summer 2023) Project Description: In the heat of Summer 2023, a transformation occurred Read More
