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Beauty and the Big Hairy Beast

An alternate version of 'Beauty and the Beast'. 

Beast is a sasquatch.

Belle discovered the Beast after setting off in search of her conspiracy type father who became lost on a journey to find the legendary Bigfoot. 

Gaston and Lafou are a forest ranger team. 

Mrs. Pott's, Lumiere and Cogsworth (pictured in the first image) are camping/survival gear type items. 

The final two images are of the Beast's "castle" and as you can see, his cave is filled with the lost/abandoned items left behind in the forest by hikers, campers and hunters. 
Beauty and the Big Hairy Beast


Beauty and the Big Hairy Beast

Concept designs for an alternate version of Beauty and the Beast. Created as part of an assignment given through a course via the Society of Visu Read More
