Lorraine Struyweg's profileLorraine Struyweg's profile

Gaya - A Boundary Shifting Fintech Brand

A Black Female Led FinTech Brand
Who Is Gaya?

In South Africa, the landscape of payment technology has predominantly been shaped by large banks, leading to a relatively stagnant and exclusive system. However, there is an emerging realisation among industry regulators that the existing approach may not fully serve the diverse needs of the entire economy.

There is an opportunity for innovation and strategic partnerships to address the underserved segments, particularly the unbanked and underbanked individuals who have not been adequately catered to. By focusing on their needs, Gaya aims to bridge the accessibility gap and unlock the potential of financial inclusion.

Moreover, they are committed to fostering strategic partnerships and collaboration with banks to ensure interoperability and create synergistic opportunities for mutual growth. Together, we can build a stronger and more inclusive financial ecosystem that benefits all individuals in South Africa, regardless of their economic background.
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"We want it to look like us"

Based on the concept that tech companies look like their founders, the goal for this brand was to create something that reflected strong, black women, a rarity in both the tech and financial spaces. The founders were open to vast exploration, which made for a joyful experience in creating the mood boards. 
Old School Scamping

Taking it back to basics, ideas for the logo were sketched by hand, exploring patterns and abstract symbols within a contained space. The founders wanted a logo mark that could stand independently from the name/typography and still be recognisable. They also wanted a logo that would encompass future services they envision for the brand, a flexible, scalable concept.
Digitised Scamps

The favourite logos were digitised, using one of the potential company names (as it was still undecided at that point of the project). This also created a great space to start experimenting with colour palettes.
A Final Name, A Final Logo
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The final logo consisted of various symbolic pieces interacting in the contained space of a circle (see image below). All of these symbols link back to the values of the founder and the company, who are proudly South African and aim to economically uplift as many people as possible.
Brand Guide Excerpts

A stunning, bold and unconventional colour palette breaks the rules of financial tech brands. It conveys the audacity of the founders to change the landscape of financial services. 
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An Impactful PowerPoint Template

A strong, engaging PowerPoint template empowers the team on their journey to find investors. Often an overlooked piece of collateral, a good PowerPoint template will serve them for many years in many spaces.
Additional Collateral Concepts
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Gaya - A Boundary Shifting Fintech Brand

Project Made For

Gaya - A Boundary Shifting Fintech Brand

Creating a brand for a black female owned financial service/tech company, looking to enable the unbanked and underbanked to engage in economic ac Read More
