Herman Miller Collection

Herman Miller is a legendary American furniture brand with a century-long history, renowned for its timeless design aesthetics and innovative comfort experiences. It's also a global leader in modern office furniture and ergonomic chairs. One of its iconic pieces, the Aeron chair, is even part of the permanent collection at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York.

Herman Miller 爲美國百年的傳奇家具品牌,以歷久不衰的設計美學與創新舒適體驗而聞名,也是全球現代辦公家具和人體工學椅的領導者,其代表作品 Aeron chair 更獲紐約現代藝術博物館 (MoMA) 列入永久典藏。

As the latest authorized distributor for Herman Miller in Taiwan, Style Furniture has entrusted us to design a brochure for this brand. Through high-quality photography and clean layouts that align with the brand's tone, we aim to convey the sense of luxury and enduring style that Herman Miller embodies, appealing to both general consumers and professionals.

作為 Herman Miller 在台灣最新的總代理商,世代家具特別委託我們設計此品牌的產品專刊。透過一張張高品質的照片與符合品牌調性的簡潔風格編排,我們期望無論是一般消費者或專業人士都能藉此感受到 Herman Miller 所呈現的高質感與雋永風格。

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Herman Miller Collection


Herman Miller Collection
