Victoria Ochoa's profile

Victoria Ochoa Individual Portfolio

My Individual Portfolio
By: Victoria Ochoa

Theme: Health and Wellbeing with a focus on mental health

Why did I choose mental health?
Mental Health is important, and I chose it because it is important to prioritize our overall well-being. 

What did I learn about mental health?
What I learned about mental health is that it's a part of everyone. It isn't a sign of weakness, and it's not all in your head. I learned that many people suffer from anxiety, especially in college. 

How to manage anxiety? 
There are several ways to manage anxiety, whether it is through exercise, being nice to yourself, keeping a journal, or talking to a professional. It is always important to make sure you have support; not everything needs to be handled alone. If a situation is becoming overwhelming, it is better to remove yourself and tell someone. Having a daily routine can also help manage your stress. 

What did I learn?
For this project, I conducted a survey and asked several of my friends and family members to fill it out. The topic included "Which of the following mental health challenges have you experienced this past month?" The most common thing people suffer from is anxiety. What I learned is that college is different for everyone, as some common anxieties include transitions, academic pressure, new social settings, and unmet expectations.
Victoria Ochoa Individual Portfolio

Victoria Ochoa Individual Portfolio


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