Kazi Tasnim Jannat's profile

In memory of Hiroshima & Nagasaki

In memory of Hiroshima & Nagasaki
This was a commissioned work I did for a team who participated in a poster competition in their university. The theme was- "In Remembrance of Hiroshima & Nagasaki Day for Global Peace". I created the main artwork and designed the overall poster and the texts were provided by the team members.

The concept:
I wanted to represent two eras of Japan. The dominating figure in the artwork, the girl with red hair, represents the Japan which carried the burdens of the War and the horrors of the bombing. Despite the past nightmares, this Japan is sending out a white dove (symbol of peace) to a smaller, younger figure in a white dress with a red bow (symbolic of the newer post-war Japan). This gesture promotes peace among the future generations and all the other nations despite the past horror Japan had to go through.

The color palette
I tried to keep the entire poster minimal with shades of grey and black except the intentional splash of color in the middle. Hues of red were used to attract the eye to the dominating figure as well as represent the colors of the flag of Japan.
The first image is the artwork I created using Adobe Photoshop. In the second image I used Illustrator to add the texts and a few graphical elements.
Thanks for viewing the project!
In memory of Hiroshima & Nagasaki