Walls and Boundaries
Barbed Wire
This sharp metal wire deters most when the idea of hopping a fence comes to mind.
Chain Link
The idea of dropping into oncoming traffic isn't very desirable so this fence was put up for added safety and protection for the citizens in our city.
Brick Wall
Although not as menacing as barbed wire, a brick wall is strong and it will take a substantial amount of force to knock it down.
Iron Fence
Commonly used for backyard walls as this one here is set up for. Very strong and robust but after years the iron fence will start to rott and rust away.
Combo Coiled Cable
Generally used for locking bikes up, but in this case it is being used to secure this chainlink fence from intruders. It holds the fence closed protecting the irrigation system from being tampered with.
No Trespassing
The ultimate deterant, the sign that says stop and walk the other way.


This is a photo sculpture project that is based on boundaries and the different types of boundaries that exist, keeping people from trespassing. Read More
