L O C A T I O N : Kyiv region, Ukraine
P R O J E C T   Y E A R : 2021
T Y P E : residential
S I Z E : 220 m2
S T A T U S : in constructinon
A R C H I T E C T : Anna Viken
E N G I N E E R : Dmytro Makahon

The client required a 200 mthree-bedroom contemporary-looking house with two terraces downstairs and upstairs on a narrow site. The problem was that there is an power line runs right along a site border. Building codes require an 10 m offset from it and 3 m offset from a neighbour’s site, so there was left an area just a 5 m width to build a house. Thus, a narrow and long two storey house was obtained.

To make construction cheaper, we used a reinforced concrete frame filled with concrete blocks. Ventilated facade cladded with fiber cement panels.