Materials: nettle yarns of various colours on linen warp
Dimensions: 6 x 5 x 12cm
Techniques: pulled warp – three-dimensional weaving techniques
Created in 2020

There are always two sides of a person: the MODERATE one, our ‘official’ face that we want to show to the world, to fit in society.
And there is also a more secret side, the one which may surprise or shock those who are around us, but also – ourselves. This is the IMMODERATE us, which we may dare to unveil to our close circle of people. This part of us we usually keep hidden. It may be triggered unexpectedly by various factors: a crucial life event, frustration, fear, immense joy or sorrow… And then it may ESCALATE and surface without our intention to be shown and seen.
This immoderate part of our personality and behaviour is quite often considered pejorative, unacceptable, something to be ashamed of: by showing this side of ourselves we may appear too emotional, aggressive, destructive, weird… It may be very colourful but in the same time can be out-of-control, frightening, shameful, wanton, even violent.
However, the immoderate part of us, this part of us of many colours, can carry a positive energy to cleanse, to restore, to create, to overcome. It can be a powerful vehicle of positive changes.

In my creation I wanted to express the dynamic energy of this ESCALATION, which causes ‘cracking’ of our moderated, guarded us. The IMMODERATE part of us is starting to show through the cracks, pouring out its colourful substance.
My choice of nettle fibre is not accidental: stinging nettle has a mechanism of protection from being consumed. We develop mechanisms to protect ourselves from being too exposed, to shield our vulnerable self, from fear of being hurt or being considered unbalanced, unreasonable or mad.



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