Anastacia Tohill's profile

Human Library Flyer

Human Library Flyer

© Copyright 2011 Illustration Character Design and Artwork Anastacia Tohill. Written and Designed by Oz Osborne. All rights reserved. Please do not copy or download images/text.

Human Library Website Link
Oz Osborne works at Mind in Great Yarmouth. He asked me to help him design a flyer for a Human Library event. The illustrations are of little book people who are talking to each other. The Human Library enncourages people who do not usually talk to one another to have a conversation. This is a great learning opportunity and a chance to find out first hand about a choosen subect. Oz came up with the idea of book people and wanted 4 characters who represented different types of people.

I created the Illustrations using Adobe Illustrator, which is a vector based software program. Lines are clean and crisp and are mathmatically worked out rather than pixel based like in Photoshop. Final Logo – Human has been supplied (not including background box).

The event takes place on Saturday 30th July from 1-4pm at Gorleston-on-Sea. For more information and links, please see the Yessica's Journey Blogsite article on the Human Library.
The following images shows many ideas.
Final design for Human Library Flyer. Logo supplied (words only).
Idea for flyer including logo with people
Ideas for logos including the people within the logo.
Idea for logo using a shelf
Idea for Logo using the book people as part of the letters. Also using symbols from around Norfolk.
Ideas to use book people as part of the letters. Flowing fabrics and chains into letters.
Initial idea for a book person, young girl
Human Library Flyer