ROG STUDIO's profile

Cockatoo Cocktails

Cockatoo Cocktails

Brand Identity
Packaging Design
Brand Strategy
Marketing Materials
Campaign Design

Branding a new range of natural, native non-alcoholic cocktails for curious and conscious modern drinkers.

Cockatoo cocktails are an Australian drinks brand with limited exposure in the market, launching a new and unique Non-alcoholic range in a growing category. The market is already becoming crowded quickly and they need a clear proposition and point of difference.

With an existing cocktail hamper and bar service business, we refined their business mission to something that would work across all areas of their operations, including the Non-Alcoholics —Elevating the modern drinking experience through the use of traditional Australian Native ingredients.

Among a sea of new products with artificial-looking, bright block colours and big typography, we determined a clear gap in the market existed for softer, premium, earthly, natural branding, that used a romantic design accompanied by Australian textures to bring the brand to life.

The design starts with a neutral base and uses natural colours to form an intriguing design with subtle details, taking inspiration from old botanical specimen books and illustrations. Averia Serif Libre was selected as the primary typeface for it’s organic, imperfect appearance which is congruent with something premium and natural.
Cockatoo Cocktails

Cockatoo Cocktails


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