Julija Musteikytė's profile

Tectonics in Architecture/ Tektonika Architektūroje

Composition aim: analyse tectonics of space grid stucture and design a model showing/revealing the most important-interesting features of such structures
Composition date: 2013 (second year of Architecture studies in Vilnius Gediminas Technical University)
The task of the composition was to find most logical detail and joints between it and other in order to design the most stable and original structure. Due to these reasons I have chosen to work with triangle which is affected equally in all its peremeter.
Possible shapes get out of arranging triangular grid to triangular volumetric composition
Possible shape get out of arranging triangular grid to triangular volumetric composition
Possible shapes get out of arranging triangular grid to triangular volumetric composition
Possible shapes get out of arranging triangular grid to triangular volumetric composition
Possible shapes get out of arranging triangular grid to triangular volumetric composition
Possible shapes get out of arranging triangular grid to triangular volumetric composition
Chosen module
Joints of chosen modules
Joint of rings get out of chosen module joints
Final structure
Tectonics in Architecture/ Tektonika Architektūroje

Tectonics in Architecture/ Tektonika Architektūroje

Tectonic composition in topic space grid


Creative Fields